I am a fourth year PhD student in Management Science and Engineering at Stanford, working with Margaret Brandeau and Itai Ashlagi. I’m interested in using data science and machine learning to solve operations and market design problems in healthcare while informing policy decisions. I’m grateful to be supported by the NSF GRFP, the Stanford Data Science Scholarship (2023-2025), and the Stanford Technology & Racial Equity Graduate Fellowship (2022-2023).

In 2020, I graduated from Princeton with a BS in Computer Science with minors in Global Health & Health Policy and Statistics & Machine Learning, where I was fortunate to work with Mark Braverman and Barbara Engelhardt. I formerly interned at DeepMind Health, Google, and Two Sigma.

In my free time, you can find me weightlifting, swimming, and hiking.

You can reach me at gzguan at stanford dot edu.

Link to my CV


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